CLIMACTIC- could be one word for it!


With the presence of La Nina and a negative Indian Ocean Dipole ( see once again we are experiencing heavy Spring rains in my part of Australia.
These events are cyclic with the phases alternating between positive, negative and neutral every 3 – 5 years.
Our last major flood event in this area was 2011 with another coming in 2016. It seem we should not be alarmed that once again we are experiencing raised river levels and flooding in many parts of the state the Victoria.
It is sad to see homes sandbagged or water-logged and whole population centres isolated, but where adequate flood mitigation measures have not been put in place, we must accept that such events will re-occur.
Alarmists will rattle the can and demand action on climate change. Now, while reducing global emissions is an essential goal and one that all governments should work for – sooner rather than later!- It would be reckless to put responsibility for these flood events solely at the feet of big industry or the community at large. We have all played a part in global warming and anyone with a modern lifestyle continues to contribute to global warming, be they green or any other political colour.

Local government should accept that they have a vital role to play in ensuring that sufficient resources be set aside for levees, and other infrastructure related to flood prevention – especially in the “dry” years rather than concentrating on sporting facilities, skate ramps, lights for tennis courts and the like. Sure these things are of benefit to a few in the community, but flood protected towns serve the greater good.


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